
Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

SMS tahu caranya dapetin kembali PUK

Mau tahu caranya dapetin kembali PUK XL kita? Silahkan aja ketik SMS dengan format:
Contoh: PUK1 0818762672 4136449610017894761
dan kirim ke 9767
Anda akan menerima balasan berisikan Kode PUK kita.

pelanggan FLEXI

Jenis layanan untuk pelanggan FLEXITrendy

• Kehilangan Kartu FLEXITrendy
Telkom dapat mengganti kartu FLEXITrendy pelanggan yang hilang dengan disertai permintaan secara resmi dari pelanggan.

Syarat administrasi :
- KTP Asli pelanggan (bisa diwakilkan dengan surat kuasa di atas meterai Rp 6.000,-
dan KTP Asli penerima kuasa)
- Nomor kartu FlexiTrendy
- Bukti surat keterangan kehilangan dari pihak yang berwenang
- Membayar biaya administrasi

Catatan :
- Telkom tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan kartu FLEXITrendy atau pulsa
yang sudah dimasukkan ke dalamnya
- Kartu FLEXITrendy yang rusak hanya dapat diganti di Plasa Telkom, tempat
FLEXITrendy tersebut terdaftar dengan menyerahkan kartu yang rusak

• Blokir sementara (karena hilang)
Pelanggan dapat mengajukan permintaan blokir sementara disebabkan karena hilang dengan cara langsung menghubungi call center 147. Pemblokiran dapat dilakukan jika data-data yang ditanyakan petugas kepada pelapor sesuai dengan database TELKOM

• Buka Blokir kartu FLEXITrendy
Pelanggan dapat mengajukan buka blokir karena hilang, syarat administrasi yang diperlukan adalah :
- KTP pelanggan asli
- Nomor kartu FLEXITrendy yang sudah ditemukan

• Pemblokiran sepihak Telkom
Bilamana terbukti berdasarkan laporan dan atas permintaan secara resmi dan tertulis dari pihak yang berwenang bahwa nomor MDN tersebut terlibat dalam suatu tindakan yang melanggar / melawan hukum maka terhadap hal ini TELKOM berhak secara sepihak untuk melakukan pemblokiran atas nomor tersebut tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya kepada pelanggan yang bersangkutan.

Apakah pelanggan yang ingin berpindah dari pasca bayar ke pra bayar (FLEXITrendy) bisa dilayani ?
Perpindahan dari Pasca Bayar ke Pra Bayar tidak dapat dilayani, tetapi sebaliknya dari Pra ke Pasca Bayar dapat dilayani

• FLEXITrendy juga bisa digunakan untuk akses data / internet
Sama halnya dengan FLEXIClassy (pasca bayar), FLEXITrendy juga bisa digunakan utk akses data / internet dengan tarif Rp.5,-/KB.

• Sistem pengamanan Kartu FLEXITrendy
Untuk keamanan kartu, FLEXITrendy menyediakan sistem pengamanan berupa :

- PIN (Personal Identity Number) yaitu sarana melindungi kartu dari pengguna yang
tidak berhak. Apabila salah memasukkan PIN sebanyak 3 kali, secara otomatis kartu
akan terblokir

- PUK (PIN Unblocking Key). Digunakan untuk mengaktifkan kembali nomor yang telah
terblokir. Apabila salah memasukkan PUK sebanyak 10 kali, maka nomor sudah
tidak bisa digunakan.

Pada saat awal, nomor PIN adalah standar, yaitu 1234. Pelanggan disarankan untuk segera mengganti PIN agar tidak diketahui orang lain. Untuk mengetahui nomor PUK, pelanggan dapat menghubungi 147 dengan menyebutkan 20 digit nomor nomor ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identity) yang tertera di belakang chip kartu.

Cara mengecek masa berlaku

Cara mengecek masa berlaku voucher dan kartu FLEXITrendy
Cara mengetahui masa berlaku voucher dan kartu FLEXITredy :
- Hubungi *99 dari pesawat Flexi
- Tekan menu "3". Dalam beberapa saat, masa aktif dan masa berlaku kartu akan
diiformasikan melalui mesin suara

isi ulang Kartu FLEXITrendy

Cara mengisi ulang Kartu FLEXITrendy
Setelah pelanggan memiliki Kartu FLEXITrendy dan voucher-nya, langkah selanjutnya adalah :
- Tekan *99
- Tekan Ok
- Pilih menu 1
- Masukkan 14 digit kode voucher, akhiri tanda #
- Kartu FLEXI Trendy secara otomatis akan terisi pulsa sesuai nominal voucher.
Atau :
*99*(masukan 14 digit kode voucer)#
Tekan Ok

Mengetahui jumlah pulsa yg tersisa pada FLEXITrendy
Cara mengetahui sisa pulsa :
- Tekan *99
- Tekan menu 2, dalam beberapa saat saldo pulsa akan diinformasikan oleh
Tekan *99#
Tekan OK

Km telpn ke 818

Km telpn ke 818...

ntar disitu ada prosedur untuk dapet kode PUK

tp kamu siapin dolo 14 angka dibelakang sim cardmu

Cara tahu nomer PUK XL

Untuk pemakaian pertama nomor XL Layanan Prabayar, nomor PIN tidak diaktifkan. Jika Anda ingin mengaktifkan, ikuti petunjuk dalam buku panduan ponsel Anda. PIN awal Anda adalah 1234.

Jika 3 kali berturut-turut Anda melakukan kesalahan dalam memasukkan nomor PIN, maka kartu SIM XL Anda akan terblokir. Untuk membuka nomor PIN Anda memerlukan nomor PUK (PIN Unblocking Key). Untuk mendapatkan nomor PUK hubungi Layanan Pelanggan XL di nomor 818 (bebas pulsa) melalui nomor XL Anda atau di 021-579 59 818 melalui telepon lainnya dan ikuti petunjuk dan pilihan menu informasi nomor PUK atau kunjungi XL Center terdekat dan persiapkan nomor XL dan nomor kartu SIM Anda.

Jika 10 kali berturut-turut Anda melakukan kesalahan dalam memasukkan nomor PUK (PIN Unblocking Key), maka kartu SIM XL Anda akan terblokir dan tidak dapat dipergunakan kembali. Anda dapat mengganti kartu tersebut dengan yang baru, tanpa harus kuatir kehilangan nomor XL Anda dengan dikenakan biaya serta syarat tertentu

Senin, 14 Januari 2008


Vodafone has unveiled a new High-Speed USB, modem, offering download speeds of up to 7.2Mbps. The device, called a "key", Vodafone is the smallest, elegant, USB modem. So far more than for downloads 7Mbps, the network of receivables to benefit from transfer speeds of up to 1.44Mbps.

Nitrogen is now available via Vodafone Mobile Broadband, fares from £ 25 per month, and the device itself costs between £ 49 and £ 100, depending on the contract.

Vodafone UK director of the company Kyle White Hill, said: "Vodafone was the first, improving the download speed in HSDPA, the first increase download speeds HSUPA, and now we can put pressure on the borders of the revolutionary ergonomics with a compact format

Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

Touch of HTC broad uses the functionality

Touch of HTC broad uses the functionality of Windows Mobile 6 with Outlook Mobile E-mail address for a smooth integration, Mobile Office, Windows Live and the ability to run thousands of third-party applications. In addition, users can surf the Web using Internet Explorer, sending and receiving e-mails, chat Messenger to send files and their own web space on Windows Live. The center offers one-touch access to e-mail, SMS messages, contacts and calendar events, and news and weather forecasts for hundreds of cities in the world.

Versatile and compact, touch by HTC provides a quick and easy access to the Sprint-exclusive content, such as:

* Sprint Music Store (SM), powered by Groove Mobile enables users to wirelessly surf the net and download full-length songs directly to their phone with a selection of more than 1.8 million songs

* Sprint Exclusive Entertainment (SOE), the industry's only made-for-mobile sports and video entertainment network programming

* Sprint TV (SM), with more than 50 channels with live and on-demand video and audio data.

* More than a dozen streaming radio stations, including Sprint Radio and Sirius

* On-demand an up-to-date information about sports, weather, news, money and more customized by zip code.

(Standard data fees apply to all downloads from Sprint.)

"Our customers appreciate the opportunity, a device that is both seamless balance personal needs and business requirements," said Danny Bowman, vice president of Product Development at Sprint. "Touch of HTC is unlike any other wireless device, because it is the power of the Windows Mobile with easy access to our entertainment applications. Attractive The device can simply watch as it happens, messages, e-mails to answer, invite You and your favorite songs stay connected with the office, family and friends. "

"This device provides a wide range of consumers the benefits of a smartphone with the style and ease of use they require," said Peter Chou, Chief Executive Officer of HTC. "Touch of HTC presents a new, intuitive touch experience that facilitates access to the most frequently used functions such as smartphone dialing, messaging and Web browsing. It also improves the music and video - experience with the addition of TV and Sprint the Sprint Music Store. "

"People want an easy-to-use companion for a mobile telephone, free them from the office or home and all to do, while the" on-the-go, "said Pieter Knook, Senior Vice President, Mobile Business Communications, Microsoft Corp.. "Sprint touch is the result of the strong relationship between Microsoft, HTC Sprint and its customers, offering users a fun experience, the power of the Sprint network and the user-friendliness of Windows Mobile makes it easy, on the Internet browsing, sending e-mails or enjoy your digital entertainment. "

Touch of HTC offers MicroSD card slot, supports up to 4 GB - a 512-MB card is included with the device. Additional features include a 2.0-MP-camera / camcorder with up to 5X zoom, advanced Bluetooth stereo and voice-activated dialing.

Touch of HTC measures 4.0 "x 2.4" x 0.6 "and weighs only ounces 4th This device is at the price of $ 249.99 with a two-year contract subscriber and a $ 100 mail-in - discount. Standard data rates apply for music and other content downloads.

Touch is used by HTC 4 am November in all channels including Sprint and 1-800-SPRINT1. Customers can register to be among the first to purchase touch of HTC / touch.

Purchase of customer touch HTC as a replacement for an existing cell phone are invited to each their current phone, battery and accessories for Sprint Project Connect. Donated equipment, regardless of brand, model or service providers, are recycled and environmentally friendly way or refurbished and resold with proceeds to benefit K-12 education. For further information, including a prepaid mailing label can be found at / projectconnect

Mobile 6

The combination of a dynamic touch screen experience with the industry-leading network speeds, Sprint Corp.. HTC and announced the upcoming availability of Touch by HTC, a full touch screen mobile phone to integrate Windows Mobile 6 with enhanced entertainment features. Operating on the Sprint Mobile Broadband Network, which brings stylish touch HTC e-mails and other important business applications with Sprint-exclusive multimedia content, including over-the-air music downloads, live TV and much more .

With a nearly 3-inch display, touch functions of HTC TouchFLO Integrated Technology, developed by HTC, smooth navigation through the use of menus with a fingerprint. In addition, the innovative TouchFLO cube brings a 3D cube interface allows quick access to the entertainment, communication tools, and a "dial-by-picture" photo caller-ID.


Motorola, Inc aujourd'hui, il était facile de saisir, de modifier et de partager des photos et des vidéos directement à partir de l'appareil mobile avec le lancement de la Z10 dans la MOTO 2008 International Consumer Electronics Show. La nouvelle MOTO Z10 est un complet, poches, mobile studio de cinéma. L'élégant kick curseur permet de capturer of clips facilement de vidéo haute modifier, créer des transitions entre les scènes et ajouter des titres, et une piste diapositives sonore. Ensuite, les futurs réalisateurs de téléchargement de leur naissance afin d'oeuvrer avec les amis et la famille par un nombre illimité de Web sites, comme YouTube, Google, Yahoo! Et ShoZu.

Outre la création de vidéos, MOTO Z10 a de grands médias, les fonctions de lecture. Avec une de cristalline 2.2 "QVGA écran affiche qui la vidéo à 30 images par seconde de millions de couleurs, les consommateurs peuvent s'assurer que leurs propres films ou téléchargé content2. L'emplacement de stockage en charge external prend une carte mémoire external, with up to 32 Go La capacité, si la disposition.

MOTO Z10 aussi les grandes images. A simple pression sur le bouton d'un appareil qui démarre 3.2 millions de pixels de l'appareil 1.5 seconde seulement. Superfast Le mode rafale prend jusqu'à trois images d'un deuxième, de sorte que les consommateurs de ne pas rater le cadre de l'action. La mise au point intelligent automatique de plus en plus des images, tandis que le nom de voiture intelligent enregistrer automatiquement les images et enregistre directement sur le onboard Galerie de presse ou les médias favourites, les sites de partage.

MOTO Z10 semble que élégant élégant et à l'extérieur, comme il est, feature-packed inside. L'ergonomie première est de qualité des matériaux, y compris en acier inoxydable tissé poli finition métallisée and soft-feel textures. Avec 3.5G HSDPA, GSM / GPRS / EDGE and Symbian UIQ logiciel MOTO Z10 représente la prochaine génération de dispositifs mobiles, de la technologie on-the-go, les consommateurs et les créateurs de contenu.

MOTO Z10 est prévue au cours du 1er Trimestre de 2008

Nokia N95 8GB

With the desire of consumers for mobile devices, the most modern continues to increase, Nokia announced today that the optimization of Nokia N95 8GB for networks 850/1900 MHz HSDPA (High Speed Data Packet Access) to the North America and South America. The combination of speed, technology and the content - the new Nokia N95 8GB fills the gap between the traditional fixed network Entertainment Center and the portable wireless breathtaking with its 2.8-inch QVGA, with the support of the screen to a maximum of 16 million colors, eight gigabytes of memory, A - GPS positioning for a better improvement of access and length of battery.

A recent study conducted on behalf of the global Nokia with the title 'A Glimpse of the Next Episode ", predicts that by 2012, up to 25 percent of all entertainment and is being created in the cities and towns the post office, unlike traditional media. With this trend synchronized version of Nokia as "Circular Entertainment ', devices like the Nokia N95 8GB, with which consumers for the creation, modification and download content directly on the Internet, it is more important than ever, because consumers personalized content and form their own.

The Nokia N95 8GB comes with advanced features, expects state-of-the-art Nokia Nseries multimedia computer. The new Nokia N95 provides 8GB one of the top five Class megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optical and auto-tuning, wireless, and a full eight gigabytes of internal memory, as well as for storage up to 20 hours of video or up to 6000 songs. Complete with intriguing 3D, the Nokia N95 8GB is also compatible with the next N-Gage games. It is as complete a GPS device with GPS (A-GPS) and a large portion of the database of maps of more than 100 countries, including a number of United States maps preinstalled. The Nokia N95 8GB is also the part of Nokia Online 3.0, are available for download Nokia! And make sure that consumers download photos and videos with one click of the mouse, or Flickr Vox, so that they can quickly shares to their communities.

Based on powerful Symbian S60 3rd Edition software, consumers can customize their Nokia N95 8GB, from a wide variety of advanced mobile applications, including games, navigation, entertainment, productivity and creativity. The Nokia N95 8GB, out of the box ready to build, connect, consume and interact with some of the most popular services of the Internet, including Yahoo! Look Amazons MobiPocket Reader or Flickr. The aircraft has the support widget that allows users, you need to adapt the content online, they can quickly get on their Nokia N95 8GB.

The N95 8GB multimedia computer, the estimated selling price of $ 749 and starts sending Nokia Nseries retailers in the United States, the Nokia Flagship Store in New York and Chicago and online e-tailers during the first quarter of 2008.
